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Materialist – Material Directory HTML Template


Materialist - Material Directory HTML Template - 1

Materialist - Material Directory HTML Template - 2

Materialist - Material Directory HTML Template - 3

Materialist - Material Directory HTML Template - 4

This is not WordPress Theme.

Materialist – Material Directory HTML Template

Materialist is modern directory HTML template for listing portals. It is build upon Bootstrap framework to offer
best customizability and development experience. Template is incorporating dozens of directory oriented components and HTML files.

Material Design

Template is incorporating material design guidelines. The components have united feel & look. By using the material design you
can create the website which will be following most recent design trends.

Open Street Maps

Materialist has implemented open street maps. You can display all your listings on the map by using already prepared source code. All
data for the map are loaded from the external JSON file via the AJAX call.

Front End Submission Components

There is no problem to turn the template into directory portal. Materialist contains properly styled form elements and prepared submission
forms. With the pricing tables you can easily start monetizing your idea.

Dashboard Files

With Materialist you can build complete directory solution because it is incorporating admin files. Now you can build the website with the
united front end and back end styles.


  • Open Street Maps
  • Multiple filter variations
  • Submit listing form
  • Pricing tables
  • Dashboard files
  • Multiple color combinations
  • SASS files
  • Font Awesome Icons
  • Material Icons
  • Partners component
  • Invoice template
  • FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions
  • Blog row listing
  • Blog detail page
  • Login, registration and reset password forms
  • Responsive
  • Error pages: 403, 404, 500
  • Bootstrap 4
  • Google Fonts – Roboto


  • Images on our demo site are not a part of package. Downloadable package contains only placeholders.


Tags: event, map, ad, advertisement, automotive, business, car, company, directory, frontend submission, listing, real estate


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