Local SEO & Organic SEO Services.

Are you Looking For A Reliable & Honest Search Specialist?

Front Page SEO stands out as a dependable and ethical SEO agency on Vancouver Island, with strategic office locations in Port Alberni, Nanaimo, and Victoria. These offices enable us to offer the personal touch of in-person meetings, allowing you to connect names with faces easily and fostering a foundation of trust. Committed to upholding the highest standards of honesty and ethics in our services, we pride ourselves on being champions of transparency.

We never advocate for or sell services you don’t need. Instead, our focus is steadfastly on maximizing your return on investment (ROI), ensuring that every strategy we recommend and implement is tailored to deliver the best possible results for your business.

What Makes Front Page SEO Different From Other Agencies?

Front Page SEO distinguishes itself from other SEO agencies through its innovative and client-focused approach. SEO has become a cornerstone of marketing for small, family-run, and local service-based businesses over the past decade.

You Make More Money From Us Then We Do From You.

Consequently, many agencies have shifted towards a model that emphasizes prolonged engagement through drip-feed monthly services. This strategy often focuses on slowly ranking businesses for individual keywords, a tactic designed more to keep clients dependent on their services, thereby maximizing the agencies’ profits rather than those of their clients. Contrary to this prevalent trend, Front Page SEO adopts a “smash and grab” methodology, aimed at delivering maximum results in the shortest timeframe possible.

We Get The Job Done Without Breaking The Rules.

Our strategy aligns closely with Google’s community guidelines and is centered around creating high authority, customer-centric content. This content is not only designed to gain favor in Google’s algorithm but also to provide your clients with the most helpful and relevant information, enhancing their experience on your website and on Google. This unique approach ensures that we prioritize your success and ROI above all, setting us apart as a truly client-first SEO agency.
Search Engine Optimization Services Progress Report
Search results position changes 90 days after website content changes.
So what are we talking about here?

What Exactly Is SEO? Know How An Optimized Website Will Benefit you.

Search Engine Optimization is a form of internet marketing that relies on the optimization of your website's content. In 2023, this is still one of the most innovative ways to take advantage of free advertising provided by the most significant search engines such as Bing and Google.

By creating original, well-written articles, utilizing specific keywords and synonyms related to your business we can improve your position in the search results. This will increase your visibility and funnel traffic, increasing your overall exposure to potential clients and ultimately increasing your sales.

Local SEO

With 46% of All search queries in google looking for localized information, you can be sure Local SEO is an extremely powerful tool for small businesses.

Organic SEO

Organic SEO is the digital artistry of naturally improving one's position in unpaid Google search results.

Enhance the visibility

Offering Diverse, Unique & Effective Search Engine Services.

Utilizing our colourful tool kit of varied SEO services will guarantee your business sees results that accurately reflect the benefits of Search Engine Optimization. Furthermore, these results will be gained by harnessing the power of our off-page and on-page optimization techniques. Combined with our keyword research, content management and competitor analysis, our technical SEO strategies will propel your Organic and Google My Business search placement into the stratosphere.


Technical SEO involves enhancing your website's indexability to ensure optimal visibility to search engines. It includes perfecting site architecture, optimizing HTML, meta, and Schema tags, and resolving any technical issues or internal errors.


Keyword research is a critical step to increase the visibility of your website. This process will assist your marketing specialist by giving them insight into which words, phrases or sentences people type into the search bar when looking for your services or products.


Link building is another essential process in the "offsite SEO" category. Backlinks are a reference tool web developers use to add context or even give a more in-depth explanation to specific words or phrases when writing content. Every backlink is like a vote of credibility pointing at your website.


Content marketing is a strategy we use at Front Page SEO for two reasons. Promoting high-quality, authoritative content is critical to optimizing a webpage. Secondly, well-written content will effectively engage with your visitors in a way that entices them to become buyers.

Local Search
Engine Opimization

Local SEO is a specific form of marketing that only targets the surrounding area in which you operate. This service is more applicable to service-based small businesses that rely on their community members for general revenue. Your Google Maps position is a significant factor when ranking locally.

Mobile Search

To effectively promote a website in search queries, it must be fully responsive. In 2016, Google adopted a "mobile first policy, " meaning they look at your website through a smartphone lens before using a desktop computer. This means that your content is completely unusable on mobile devices.

Are Are These Marketing Techniques Really Worth The Investment?

Dealing with Knowledgeable, straight-shooting and honest SEO companies is worth the cost. This statement is usually true unless your business exists in a niche industry or your website is for non-monetary uses. As stated in this blog article, What Is SEO? A Blue Collar Explanation: Monthly Search Optimization costs can initially be daunting. However, as your search rank in Google grows and traffic increases, your website will transition from active ranking to maintenance mode. This is where the cost savings bring your monthly expenses to as low as $200 a month. Compared to PPC or Social Media Marketing, this is a steal of a deal.

Ranking High in Google Is The Key To Success

Exactly How Will Hiring an SEO Company In Canada Help Your Business?

    • Increased Visibility: By optimizing your website for search engines, especially Google, which is used by over 90% of people worldwide, your business becomes more visible to those searching for your products and services.
    • Targeted Keyword Research: Understanding your industry, offerings, and customer needs allows for targeting keywords that your demographic most commonly uses. This precise targeting is key to driving relevant traffic to your website.
    • Enhanced Revenue Potential: Being found on Google’s Search Engine Results Page (SERP) can significantly increase your brand’s revenue potential. Since most people use Google to find goods and services, being visible there is crucial.
    • Trust and Professionalism: Ranking consistently in the top 3 positions on search engines can enhance the perception of trust and professionalism for your brand. This is particularly beneficial in selling products, as high search engine rankings are often associated with credibility.
    • Advantage Over Social Media: Unlike social media, which can be rife with scams and fraudulent activities, Google provides a more trustworthy business platform. The SEO industry is less susceptible to these issues, making it a safer and more reliable marketing platform.
3 Month SEO Package Results - Search Console
Google Search Console results after 3 months of SEO - zargarian.ca.
6 Months Of SEO Case Studie and Search Console update
6 Months of SEO, Search Console Report - luxcarelifestyle.com.
Google Search Console 28 Day Comparison after 1 month of SEO content Updates
Search Console results 28 days after content update - orcaseakyaking.com.


Best for low competition small businesses.
$ 500 Monthly
  • Organic SEO
  • 3 Keywords
  • Website Support
  • Local Ranking
  • 24/7 Support


Medium Competition Local Organic & GMB
$ 750 Per Month
  • Organic SEO
  • 5 Keywords (local)
  • Across Province Ranking
  • Monthly Reports
  • 24/7 Support


High Competition Local GMB & Organic SEO
$ 1000 Monthly
  • Organic SEO + Local "3 Pack"
  • Website Support
  • Across Country For Low Comp
  • Monthly Reports
  • 10 Keywords (Local)
  • 24/7 Support

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